Thursday, May 02, 2002

Ok that was just not good. I have NEVER felt like I wasn't in control while I was sharing an intimate moment with a guy before. Until last night.

I have watched tons of films on sexual assault, discussed rape until blue in the face, and have helped friends and family who have been violated... but NEVER did I ever think anyone would actually have the BALLS to step to ME like that.

Maybe I have just been spoiled. All of the guys I have ever done anything with have always respected me and what I've wanted. I always do the same in return... that's just how it is supposed to work. I mean, if both of you aren't into it and getting off on it, then it stinks.

So this definitely took me by surprise. Nothing happened, I am totally fine- but I got a taste of something I hope never to come across again. Even though I know I handled the situation well and can usually come across as strong, intimidating and tough... I was terrified.

It is during times like these that I thank god for my busty self and my ass kicking abilities.

Boyz... don't be mean. Please. You have no idea what it can do.

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