Tuesday, August 06, 2002

This one time... at band camp...

For those of you who don't know... Westchester University up there in PA holds a four day band camp for a ton of high school kids. Dawn and I went up there with 3 of our colorguard girls undercover as teenagers. Not only did I bust my ass all weekend in the hot sun and humidity, but I got to see Theresa marching with the X-men and hang out with Lindz a lot (she's on the staff for the camp). It was just so wonderful to be away and not have to worry about anything except how my pull hits looked, or if I had on enough sun block on (I assure you, my sun-burnt-self demonstrates that I definitely did NOT). I relived a lot of what I enjoyed about high school... and damnit do I miss performing. Dawn and I made a pact that we are marching this summer. I am going to train hard core to try and make X-men, or maybe even go out for Jersey Surf... but if it turns out that I won't have time or money to march core, than I will definitely DEFINITELY do senior core somewhere. Heh, not Reading, though. ::cough JESS cough QUEEF cough::

It has occured to me that I really couldn't give a crap as to what everyone thinks about colorguard... and I actually like it that people bust on me for it. Everyone else's ignorance to it really does make it like this secret that I hold close to my heart. I can't imagine any other activity that I could get so much out of. Except maybe singing. Hrmmn. I bet you I could create a singing colroguard. Now that would be crazy.

Thank God that PB's band camp starts this week... I need my band geek fix! WoO!

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