Monday, October 31, 2005

It's that time of year again...

nanowrimo is here again.

This will be my third frickin' year attempting to even participate, let alone actually complete the task. In previous tries, life has just gotten in the way of my writing (much like it has in regards to me updating this site), but I am determined to fight this time around.

There are no excuses: Guard season is almost over, I am not taking any classes, and there are no unhealthy, obsessive "he's" around to distract me. At least... I'm working on that last one. Having this to focus on will surely help me along in the process.

My goal is, at minimum, to produce the 50,000 words in whatever medium I happen to be investing time into throughout the month of November. Whether that be separate posts for this site, TJNR, The Black & White or my poetry... I don't care. I just want to know that I can produce that much. 1,667 words a day, folks.

I would ask you to wish me luck... but that's not what I need. Luck I have... it's unforgiving motivation that I'm lacking.


Umgawa said...

Aw, crap. This is yet another year that I'm going to say that I'm going to do it, and then I'm really not. Why must Nanowrimo month coincide with the start of the retail Christmas season? Why, god, why?

Anonymous said...

You can do it. Just sit down and type for a few hours everyday. Don't split up the time either, do it all at once everyday. If you split it up you won't come back to it after your first "break"...

Theresa Sondjo said...

Girl Scout, if I can do it, you can do it. You're one of the most beautiful writers I know (both yourself and your words). Good luck!