Tuesday, October 31, 2006

yeah, fuck you too, halloween.

i've lost 20 lbs.

apparently, that isn't enough.

i don't want to even bother trying to fill in the holes of this swiss cheese description of my situation. so don't try to preach to me.

"you didn't look that bad before. i don't notice those things."

one of this blog's top searches is for the phrase "flabby belly" unattractive.

the only people who compliment me are the people who complimented me before i lost the weight.

"being sexy is not the same thing as being hot."
sexy is an attitude. hot is a state of being. i was informed that i was sexy. and that sexy isn't as good as hot.

thanks again for the painful reminder that what i am on the inside is not what matters.

the outside is what matters and well... mine just isn't good enough.


Kristie said...

After busting my ass for 8 months, losing 50 lbs., and being as fit and muscular as I'd ever been in my life, I triumphantly told my mother. This would be the mother that spent my entire childhood busting my chops for what I ate and playing fast and loose with the whole "you'd be so pretty if you just..." b.s., right? So I told her. And her response, after all this effort to make up for not being the gorgeous daughter she apparently always wanted?

"I didn't realize you were so heavy before!"

I was getting critiqued retroactively. So I feel you're pain. Frankly, I recommend you rewind to your poem in the previous post. That's where your head needs to be. And everyone else can shove off.

Kristie said...

*your* I've been having spelling issues of late.