Tuesday, March 20, 2007


As much as I hate to move the glorious toilet down from the top of the page, my job today leaves me with plenty of time on the internet. While I begin this post without any real purpose or direction, I need to get myself back into the habit.


So I guess I'll start with some small talk.

Yesterday I went grocery shopping. I bought an oversized bottle of Arizona Green Tea. Unfortunately, they are unable to find a picture of this item at this time. Nonetheless, I really dig this stuff. I hope it goes on sale more often.

Speaking of which, I have become a coupon cutter. So far, this hopefully new habit will let me eat at subway and quiznos over the next week or so, with a significant monetary discount.

Ok. Enough with the small talk.

What I should be doing is finishing up a letter to the editor I am writing in response to an article published in a school paper, and getting together my submissions to 2 different publications. But I'm not because I'm scared.

Part of me wants to put my rough drafts up on this page, but I don't know if that will piss off the publications. Part of me wants to link to the articles I am writing, but I don't know if I want to make my full name public to all of you.

This is hard, walking the line between personal journal and professional writing platform. Because what I'm writing is, in my opinion, no way professional. But I worry about my reputation effecting my other professions...

Should I write under a real pen name? Or should I make an example of myself. I know that I could benefit from my regular readers' feedback... but but but!!

I don't know what I want this blog to be. I feel like the "journey to a creative career" thing has been done to death already, but I don't know what else I could honestly offer the blogging world.

Some of you may think that I am blogging about this to avoid writing about something more important, but when it comes down to it, I think this might be the most important issue I've got.

I really need your thoughts on this one.


Anonymous said...

In my extensive - cough - experience, having my full name on the internet hasn't hurt me. I've even directly shown my blog to my boss and a few customers.

Generally I get the sense that if someone is interested enough to read, then they are smart enough to be able to differentiate between the professional and the personal material. And if work gets all pissed off because they start checking the timestamps on my posts and notice that I usually post while I'm working, then I'm going to say, "who's watching the clock now?" and hope they fire me because I don't have the balls to quit - but I wouldn't want to work for someone who was so uptight.

But in reality, my supervisor knows that I work my butt off for our company and I love my job, and if I need to workout a comp-time issue or if he catches me blogging, he looks the other way.

So what I'm getting at is that as long as you make a good impression professionally, then it won't much matter what you do personally. And if it does, you can always blame it on alcohol and go to rehab.

Anonymous said...

This does seem to be the most important issue at hand and it is quite an adventure following you and holding onto your words as you find where you are going.

Fear is a part of the unknown and it it perfectly natural. Embrace it, but don't wallow in it. You have so much to give the literary world and it is simply a matter of stepping out. You're not a scaredy cat, rather you're one of the bravest women I know, so embrace the journey and do what you feel it best. And when it comes to pen names and reality, follow your gut and take a chance. You have a great forum here of supportive and smart readers and writers who would love the chance to get a peek at the brilliance we all already know is there.

A Work in Progress said...

i agree with anonymous. follow the impulse that led you here in the first place.

because to us readers in regards to your writing, you haven't made a wrong decision yet.

Anonymous said...

I can see where this issue could burrow deep into your head.

Obviously you have serious readers who care about you. That's one thought to ponder.

How about starting another blog just for your writing and invite who you wish...if you're feeling the need for a 'safe' audience.

But, you strike me as being more fearless than that.

Thank you for posting above the Post Patty's Day Potty. I was getting pre-starz-gurglings every time I considered checking your blog. Sensitive me.

Anonymous said...

hey. we keep coming back right. after all the lapses and changes and new sites, were still here be dazzled by you red. follow your heart. dont let you head fuck it up.