Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Holiday Continues...

When you are going 3,000 miles an hour, it really hurts when you stop. I crashed so hard today... and it was glorious.

My boss was kind enough to let me work from home, presenting 2 hours extra sleep and prolonged pajama wearing. In fact, I was only dressed for an hour today, and all I did was throw on jeans and walk next door to eat pizza with Laura.

After work, Boondocks and I cat napped for a couple hours (with the window open!), so we could fall asleep to the sound of the rain and Dave Matthews Band's Crash. If you have not heard a saxophone in the rain before, you need to get on that.

This Christmas has been nothing short of perfect. I am so grateful for it. But allow me to get back to bed... I've gotta work, pack and buy a dress tomorrow. Something tells me that I really am going to need a vacation to recover from my vacation.

2008 might have to begin with a day spent in bed watching movies... and I am totally ok with that.

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