they break apart under the pressure of imagined pelvic thrusts - tucked and turned inward - afraid to be directed at anyone. in particular.
we bloom into the center of the room. fresh. floral. we reek with hot pink sex stink. it is that time of season.
this. is impending sexual peak.

it illuminates the horizon it sits on...
whispering promises of the best years of my life.
see...this is why you need to write more. you're kinda sorta amazing at it.
hell yeah. perfect melding of words and photo.
sigh...i know you get paid for your other blog(not huge, but you are a paid blogger, a professional, if you will) and that one is something you HAVE to do...which probably makes this one less fun...BUT i kinda miss reading what you have to write. the real stuff that knocks the wind out of the reader, that isn't pg rated. not said to make you feel guilty or bad in any way. just a statement.
I agree. I miss this you.
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