Wednesday, January 29, 2003

So today was pretty interesting. instead of taking the time to explain my day... i'm just going to type key phrases and hope to come back to them later. oh, and i hope you all like the new URL and server and stuff. please, if you have linked me... switch to werd.

"nice pants"

crab cake sandwich.

fancy meeting you here...

random patches of ice.

street jam.

fuck downward facing dog!!!

Saturday, January 25, 2003




sorry guys, i just don't have any time. hopefully i'll update fo shizzle tomorrow. oh yeah it's time for bizzle.

Monday, January 20, 2003

zora is going to win.

but damn. he's a moron for getting rid of allison. she was a goddess. and a red one at that. so friggin hot. sigh...

Friday, January 17, 2003

i think i have an unhealthy attachment to my shower. ever since i started working at starfucks again... i have become reacquainted with the permafunk that invades my clothing, bags, hair, skin and that fingernail crustiness. so yeah... my showers are now averaging around 30 minutes. unless i use ALL of the house's hot water supply... i am not happy. this is what it feels like to get ass-raped by a frappachino.

"When you build a starbucks across from a starbucks- THAT'S IT! GAME OVER!" - Lewis Black
Wow. excellent timing. i'm serious... this was just on comedy central. this stand-up comedian claims that the end of the universe is not out in space, but in fact, in Houston Texas... and well, even with my background obsession with astronomy... i concur.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

realization of the century:

oh holy geezus... i have four jobs. FOUR JOBS. i'm sorry... but i just put all of this together. i know i am slow and all, but this came to me as quite a shock tonight. i am utterly speechless with myself and obviously insane. and here's the best part: just wait until the competitions with winterguard and school all start at the end of this month!! weee!

i can't even fit a tube sock into my schedule.

and somehow... i'm ok with this. i am feeling a glow from all of this productivity. however... my lack of love poems is not pleased with this recent development. maybe god will help me fit a date into my schedule. yeah. that would be cool. good night.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

AmngStarz: wow

Auto response from Maryland Masala: I'm getting my brains fucked out, so please don't knock the flow. awww, ohhh, awwww

AmngStarz: best away message ever

I must say... casinos are very curious places.

So yeah... my daddy took me to Atlantic City on Saturday. hehe.

I cannot comprehend why there are so many freaking types of slot machines… but I did find myself particularly drawn to the I Love Lucy, Pink Panther, Black and White and Star Moon styles. And I swear, those 5 cent ones are a complete rip off. Who am I kidding… the whole thing is a rip off. And I was appalled to discover that you don’t even have to pull down the handle on the side of the machines… now all you hafta do is press a button. WHERE is the fun in a BUTTON. You don’t even get sore. And in my southpaw plight I am also upset that there were no left-handed friendly machines.

The major issue we had throughout the day was my father’s failure to take inflation into account. The last time he was in Atlantic City, it was in the late seventies. He and his father would each take $100 and be set for the day. Accordingly… he gave me $100 and brought about $300 for himself to use and to pay for the show and dinner and stuff. Uh. Yeah. My dad is a card man. Loves Blackjack. And I am the same way… I love card games and think that interacting with other people over a game is way more intriguing than playing slots. However… at all three casinos that we went to… the minimum bet for ONE hand was fifteen dollars. My dad was used to two dollar bets. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time debating over putting that much money up… but I have such excellent spider senses that I found a special low-bid section of blackjack that had a minimum $10 bet later in the evening. That was rad.

The highlights of the day were, by far, not the gambling, but the conversations we had during dinner and the car ride home. We weren’t able to catch a show because most of the box offices were closed… but we did catch a band playing and some street-type performers. We had dinner at the Hard Rock CafĂ©, and somehow we even managed to come across a Starbux. So I mean… we had to stop and get a drink. Heh.

We talked a bit about my dad’s use of the word “queer” in casual conversation. That was, ummn… lets just say that our neighboring diners definitely had something to entertain themselves with. We put on quite the show. We also talked about marriage and sex and my future and such… and I got to hear a lot of ridiculously funny stories about my dad growing up.

After we officially were in the hole about $100 we decided to head home. We accidentally took a 45 minute detour, but it was ok. I learned that I am a skilled, map-utilizing navigator, and that my father is not one of those men who won’t ask for directions. Plus, it gave us more time to talk. We talked about my singing and writing… about my ideas for future business ventures and even a little more about my parents’ divorce.

All in all… I could not have received a better belated burfday present.

Monday, January 13, 2003

Friday, January 10, 2003

thoughts from the engr office:

if Mariah Carey and Jennifer Lopez got into a fight... who would win?
personally, I think that if they are both wearing stiletto heels and booty shorts, J-low will have the upper hand. She's more toned from all that dancing... and I mean duh... she's jenny from the mutha fuckin block. this is all assuming that Mariah is not PMSing. that girl has mad crazy emotional issues. if this fight took place during one of her "episodes"... she would bust the block wide open.

when was the last time you looked at a friend's clothing or bedspread and said "hey... your stitching is off"?
uhh. never.

Thursday, January 09, 2003

last night i had a pretty interesting convo with jason. here are some highlights.

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

new 2003 layout is on the way. should have it up by the end of the week. adam is codifying all of my kookie idears. i like him a lot. yes.

so... uhhh....yeah... we kinda just took off with it today. hehe. most of the links don't work yet, but i will let you all know when they do. and please, leave me some freaking feedback! i hope you like it as much as i do. check out the codifying master's baby to see more of the excellent shit he can do. and if there is anything else you'd like to see on this page at all... now would be the time to speak up while i am in transtition mode. i'm excited. hyper even. but my butt hurts from sitting here so long working on it. i'll hafta come back to this later tonight. woot, liz. woot.

Monday, January 06, 2003

I really like the new Dr. Pepper commercial. “Be you. Do what you do… with Dr. Pepper.”

You tell em, Garth.

Sunday, January 05, 2003

i had forgotten that starbux is the social connections capitol of the world. sorry... that's all i got for ya right now. my brother is off of school tomorrow and is commandeering the internet. i posted about my night out on saturday... check out bitter

Friday, January 03, 2003

i feel like i haven't written anything of consequence within the last six months. most of the work i am proud of is from the year 2001. that's sad. i finished a whole composition book this last semester, but in looking over it... the whole thing is full of jagged and incoherent ramblings about nothing. and this blog... i don't even know where to start with this one. i am worried more about how the layout looks, if any links are broken, the number of hits i get, who makes what shout out and if i spelled anything wrong. i used to just sit and write write write or type type type with such urgency and passion it was unbelievable. i loved it... i fed off of it... and i produced that love and energy in my words. now all i seem to be able to exude is sarcastic venom.

i used to keep my writings private and never share them with anyone... they were so important and personal to me and what i believed in... but nothing i write now sparks even the the slightest bit of vulnerability. i was recently asked why i put myself out there for everyone to see on this web page... but i didn't know how to respond at all because i haven't been putting myself out there. i have just been trying to use key words like midget naked lesbian wrestling in my entrees to get higher up on the google searches.

sigh. i need to stop neglecting my inner sap.
i know i know, i am posting like a mad man, but geezus this is great.

AmngStarz: that away massage is inexusable.
Auto response from SoleiLuna23: So I says to Mabel I says-wait a second...did you hear that?

Hold on...

Ok, so where was I-damn, there it is again!

Sounds like it's coming from my bed...I think...yes, I believe my bed is calling my name!

Extrordinary! I will have to investigate! I'll just be back in a-ZZzzz
SoleiLuna23: inexusable??
SoleiLuna23: what?
AmngStarz: LAME
SoleiLuna23: whatever, i like it, i think it's funny
SoleiLuna23: and now i'm going to use it all the time just to cheese you off
AmngStarz: woo woo woo
AmngStarz: thats mature
Auto response from SoleiLuna23: So I says to Mabel I says-wait a second...did you hear that?

Hold on...

Ok, so where was I-damn, there it is again!

Sounds like it's coming from my bed...I think...yes, I believe my bed is calling my name!

Extrordinary! I will have to investigate! I'll just be back in a-ZZzzz
AmngStarz: fired.

"i'm a quaterback... i'm popular..."

no joke. just so you all asswipes who think i exaggerate about the number of IMs i am working... within the last hour i have talked to over 10 people and briefly chatted with another 6 people. now don't get me wrong... i love all of you. i just feel like a dick when trying to explain that i can't talk to you all and update my page at same time and STILL give you my upmost attention. so yeah... just be patient with me. it's rather embarrassing, now that i think about it.

::hides in the corner and cries::

Thursday, January 02, 2003

someone likes to point out my problems with pronunciation. here are the two latest examples and the metaphors that go along with them:

1. envelop (pronounced like envelope. no. exactly like envelope): this was discovered during a discussion at Plato's Diner about how a boy can just ENVELOP you in his arms. i don't know how this transitioned into my exboyfriend loving egg goo and wanting to dip everything in it... and then ME being egg goo. "he wants to dip me in everything... no... he wants to dip everything in me.... EW." yes. i know. stupid.

2. plutonic (pronounced pluuuuut-on-ick. like the disney dog. or like platinum. as in the club. or as in plutonium. the element. hey. that was the name of our colorguard show this year. yep): this came up in another discussion during a meal, this time at Bennigan's. this is not the first time i have been made fun of for this slip. sigh.

Wednesday, January 01, 2003

Happy New Year:

It wouldn't be a true lizzie holiday experience without some sort of issue. That being said... last night was definitely a true lizzie experience. Now before you think to yourself "Ah yes... the drama queen strikes again!" I want you to know that it was NOT mine. And that is something I am truly thankful for. I had me some hugs, kisses and a cigar. woot.

So in keeping with the yearly, traditional new years resolutions... I wanted to review my list from last year and see how I did.

I Will:

Stop cussing.

Sing. yay! i got one!

Get up straight away when alarm goes off. ummn. yeah. that didn't happen.

Maintain at least semi-regular communication with people important to me by learning how to return phone calls and follow through with plans. don't laugh... i am getting better at that.

Develop Inner Poise and authority and sense of self as woman of substance, complete without boyfriend... as best way to obtain boyfriend. ::inner poises::

Keep idealistic and romantic notions about love and life despite all overwhelming signs shattering hopes and dreams. Check! emphasis on the OVERWHELMING signs shattering hopes and dreams. i am still hangin on. woot, liz. woot.

I Will Not:


Spend more time on the computer than I do sleeping. don't judge me!

Fall for any of the following: alcoholics, weedaholics, workaholics, commitment phobics, unmotivated fat asses, people with girlfriends or wives, misogynists, megalomaniacs, chauvinists or freeloaders, perverts. if it weren't for that damned commitment phobic line in there....

Bitch about anyone behind their backs, but be positive about everyone. ahem.

Stay in every night reading books and listening to music, but go out and have fun like normal people. yay! i got another one!

Wallow in self pity about not having a boyfriend, not being a size 6, not living near campus, not being able to afford anything, or not being happy. i didn't wallow too much... i just bitched quite a bit. so that counts as a check! hehe.

Live vicariously through movies. who am i kidding?

well, considering no one ever follows through with their resolutions... i don't think i did that bad. this year i think we will go for something a lot simpler:

get some new blood and experience in my life... and be more selective with who i give the title "friend" to.

there. done. dinner time.