Monday, September 13, 2004

$17short of my rent.

yep. that's how much my last pay check was for. i'm almost 3 months behind in rent now, and i don't even want to think about utilities that have been fronted for me as well.

i'm a car payment behind. this month i'll have to pay double for my cell phone. oh. and i don't have any food.

both of my colorguards owe me money. and i'm not even talking about payment for this season... i'm talking about reimbursement for things i paid for out of my own pocket. i love the MCPS financial offices. they rule. /sarcasm.

i'm thinking that i should ask my dad to just give me a check for the amount he was going to spend on my new laptop birthday present, and i'll just use it to get out of the red. i have no place getting a new 'puter when i can't even feed myself and buy gas.

you ever feel like you work so damn hard just to end up worse off then when you started?

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