Friday, September 01, 2006

"Because you're young," he said.

"You'll see. You'll get over that- thinking you deserve to be happy."


"It is what it is: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The pursuit. Not the inalienable right. It's not a permanent state of mind."

* page 76, The Room-mating Season, by Rona Jaffe.

Surprisingly potent.


oom oom said...

Welcome back, missed your writing.

Anonymous said...

Sup chica? You don't write enough any more. And what of the B&W?

I wrote a long-ish post today, and then thought to myself, "self..." (my inner monologue is kind of pretentious, i can't help it) ... "this seems like a stand up comedey routing you might perform. Only you'd end up sleeping on the sofa that night."

but then, out of nowhere, it hit me...

"this is the kind of shit you used to write when lizzie still acted like you were on the same planet."

Anonymous said...

routine, not routing.

Also, I like how the bottom of the comments page says "all fields are optional", but if you don't put anything in the comments box, and just fill out your name and web page, it doesn't do jack.

/syntax nazi

Anonymous said...

Good quote. Easily related to at the moment.