Sitting on the floor of my new room, in my new apartment, just me and the cats, I was listening to a poignant mixed CD, bawling my heart out. The book was on the shelf right at my eye-level, taunting me, so I asked it the second question I have ever asked it.
The first question I asked it was, "Will I have sex in 2006?" And while I do not remember the exact phrasing, the answer was yes. Little did we all know that very shortly after the new year, the book’s all-knowing power would be proven. Now, I have respect for such awesome power, so I thought it wise not to bother it unless the matter was really pressing.
So this question:
"Will fuzzi and I stay together?"
I thought that was important enough to tempt fate.
A hazy shape
in the
crystal ball
you’re too unsure
of yourself
to proceed.
And you thought this was a satirical post, didn't you?
Ask it if you're going to blog more. :P
Thinking of you crying makes me want to cry
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