Thursday, January 03, 2002

So, I'm trying to get ahold of my favorite emotional fuckwhit (pardon the cussing, but it is an important part of the word), and all I get is... RING... RING...RING...RING...RING...RING.

Ugh. He called me this morning at 9 in the morning. Who does that?!?! And on my house number. Lucky for him my mother left me a note saying that he'd called. In attempts to keep my new year's resolutions... I call him back around 1pm. It is now 2pm. I have been calling this poopface for an hour, only to hear the same thing over and over.

I know it means that someone is on the internet. Because, otherwise, the answering machine would come on. I really don't like this because I can't even leave a message and am going insane with guilt and anticiaption that I will not get ahold of him before he goes back.

Why. WHY WHY WHY?!?!

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