Sunday, July 18, 2004

so there's this girl i know. she's 5'4". okay. she's 5'3 and 3/4".

she has the hootspa that people like to think i have.  but the difference is that she really does have it.  and she has it openly. 
this girl has never, ever made me feel anything but positive.  about anything and everything. whether it be about my latest hang up, my latest crush or just my inability to make decisions in social situations.... she has a way of casually reminding me just how much i love to be who i am.    
and while i might only be an acquaintance to her... she is the kind of friend that people spend their  whole lives wishing that their other friends were like.
i hope that she'll still be able to see me smiling and waving when she's over on the other side of the world.  

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