Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Going up...

The morning was perfect. Comfy. Cozy. A warm bed, cup of coffee and Tom Robbins. That surprise text message left me glowing.

Jazz class rocked. My childhood dream of learning how to do the running-man finally came true. And I am rocking all of the combinations. Our energy in there, as a group, is growing... and I can't help but feed off of it.

Coming down...

Show Choir was an experience. Too long and too full of estrogen. 30 girls going out to lunch and shopping was a daunting task, yes. But the surprise issue was that most of the girls were excited and cooperative, while a handful of the UPPER CLASSMEN ruined it. Completely. Thank god I don't have to see them until next week.

Writing class made my head hurt. Too much in too short a time period. The professor and I discussed how my major flaw in writing prose is assuming that the audience understands where I am coming from. I apparently need to get outside of my head a little more.

And well, I blame you people. Being able to write to an audience who knows my vibe and voice for such a long time... having support, understanding and excellent feedback has spoiled me. I'll be honest-- I'm not looking forward to writing for strangers, and I am upset that my latest assignment was not in the top of the class.

Sigh. I end this post celebrating the end of Project Runway (Michael made it!!!), but dreading my commute back to the city. I'm afraid to be alone during the ride AND in my apartment for yet another night. Especially knowing that fuzzi is out enjoying someone else's company.

Turn the world upside-down
and let it fall to the skies.

I hope sleep finds me quickly.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes what's beautiful about your writing is the way that it embraces its ambiguity. Context is a good thing, but don't let it reign in a new reich of structure to your prose.

Anonymous said...

where have you been?

shenry said...

Sure, blame us. Really, blogging is totally a totally different writing technique than prose. You can write prose in your blog, but you can't necessarily blog in your prose... uh, yeah... you know what I mean.