Wednesday, February 06, 2002

Not only do I have penis envy... but I now have website envy. It's not that I want to be a big, bad, buff (moderately speaking, of course) design guy, or dazzle the world with my layout and graphics excelletes... I just wanna put up something that, oh, I dunno... people might actually enjoy reading.
But no one will yell at me and give me a clue as to how I can make my site more interesting.
This was seriously getting to me that I couldn't really tell how many hits I was getting, or who exactly was doing the hitting, or that only 7 people have even bothered to sign my guest book... let alone give me some advice on sprucin up my site.
So lets connect my balls with your tongues and see what happens. I'm limp, unloved, and now truly bitter about this lack of interest.
In retaliation, I have a very simple plan. Screw you all and what you want on my site. I am just going to put a little bit of me up here and not be so paranoid anymore. Because it obviously doesn't matter to any of you all who do actually read this stuff.
In fact, I hit my page up more than all of you put together (this is not fully supported with mathematical figures, but oh just you wait). And I guess since I'm the one who writes, reads and rereads all of this self-absorbed babble... I should be consistent with my theme and really only care about myself.

And on that note, I am going to go lie down and struggle for hours to try and get sleep to want me. You'd think that at least sleep would come cuddle with me, nekkid, in my bed... alas, no, just one of the many ways God reminds me that he has an even dryer sense of humor than myself.

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