last night... or this morning i should say... i had the end all be all of all dreams.
i was on a band trip. i think. with a bunch of my friends... but i never saw any of their faces except one. that dumb fucking bitch that i want to kick upside the head. i guess it was a bunch of friends and her.
so yeah. we are staying in this hotel that reminds me of the hotels my dad and i went gambling at in atlantic city. they have the boardwalk and everything. but i find myself on a NY street corner one night, and we lost our keys and wallets and can't get back to our hotel. but i'm i have a few bucks left and i am hungry so i'nm in line to buy a slice of pizza (i think) but it is at the pizza place in adam's morgan i went to during kinya's birthday celebration and then again for dan's (don't hate against my logic for spending my last few dollars on pizza- priorities, people). this reminds me of
lindz and i being po' folk last night. anywho... in line... i see this boy. there is always a boy, it seems. but this wasn't just any boy. this was whitie from centreville back in the DAY (my freshman year in college). so i go up to him. i'm like, aren't you so and so from back... do you remember me... i have a bunch of drunk girls here and we have no place to sleep tonight... and he is with his whole fucking crew from back in the day too.
so we follow them around a bit (much like we did freshman year).
then it skips to a few days later. all i know is that i am leaving on thursday. it turns out that whitie and all his buds are staying at the same hotel we are staying at. but here si where it gets weird. suddenly, fucko-bitch-whore, another girl and i are walking on the boardwalk back to the hotel. i remember looking up and seeing whitie in the window. shirtless, of course, and basically begging me to come up there with him. and as we are trying to walk across the boardwalk... it turns into this icy, narrow bridge. its freezing outside. skank-ho has that retarded uber-sheik hat on... and i'm all like be careful! it's slippery! there are icy waters on either side of the bridge thing and of course it puts me in mind of titanic.
the fat fuck falls in the water and almost drags the two of us in with her. none of that i'll never let go shit for me though... i broke from her grip and watched her fall into the water.
so now i'm in the main lobby of the hotel with a few more no-faces... and whitie. but the lobby... for some odd reason... is my living room. i'm sitting in the old tan chair that we used to have in the prime tv viewing space, and he is sitting in the blue chair over by the railing. he's drinking tea. that's a shout out to Mr. Grande Awake from work... i can just sense it. he says that he'd love some company in his room on thursday night (apparently, ever since the i have nowhere to sleep take me home with you night) the two of us have been running into each other all over the place during our trip... but nothing ever happened (story of my fucking LIFE).
and well, if you were paying attention before, you would know that i was leaving on thursday morning. no dice.
i inform him of this and you can see the wheels turning in his head to see if we could rendezvous that night.
... too bad i woke up.