Tuesday, November 01, 2005


So. You're still here, I see. I mean, you turned the page. I don't know where exactly your particular "here" is, but I know that my words are there with you. So I guess, to correct myself in a rather long-winded fashion... I am still here. And now, it's your own damn fault- you cannot get mad at me. I TOLD you. And despite that, you have chosen to waste your own time with this story.

Unless, of course, you aren't looking for something extraordinary...

If that is the case, you have come to the right place. Although, I will remain skeptical because most of us are... looking for something extraordinary, that is.

A friend of mine once told me that "anything less than extraordinary wasn't worth his time." But I betcha that smart ass is still reading too. It just goes to show you... even when you try to warn people- when you just lay it all out on the table. They STILL manage to stay around and fuck it all up.

Getting back to our story... that's exactly what our two main characters did. They stayed around. And they fucked it all up.

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