Wednesday, July 16, 2003

2 weeks till

last night i left my letter of resignation in the manager's log for them to find this morning. i told pixie that i was leaving... but she and melis were the only ones who knew it was "officially" coming. you know how i love that element of surprise.

i think that everyone else thought that i was just talking about of my buttocks about how unhappy i was there. that i complained all of the time without any real intent to improve my situation. that "well, liz always has to have something to complain about" mentality i have been accused of having.

i guess in a certain sense you are correct because now i am complaining about YOU thinking i am all talk and no action.

so HA!

................. right.

that leaves me two weeks until my first real meeting with the idea of being "unemployed." that is, if you don't count the half a dozen other "jobs" i have. but seriously, i haven't been without multiple obligations since junior high. this is going to be quite the experience for me.

i hope i can do it without wasting away alone and in front of this computer. ummn, because i don't do that already.

so the biggest thing on my mind about not having a real job for the ENTIRE month of august is taking a more active stance on my creative works. the biggest obstacle in the way of this is not the lack of money... but the lack of space.

my room is horridly small, cluttered and contains enough furniture for two of Barbie's Dream College Dorm Rooms. i have no desk space (thank you ancient and monsterous monitor) and no sitting space (thank you various unorganized papers, projects and hideously out of style clothing). the environment is not conducive to having an open mind, let alone breathing properly. i hardly even have natural lighting (thank you loft bed that i purchased back during the year we don't speak about anymore)... and the friggin HEAT is just uncomfortable (thank you computer that i refuse to turn off and air vent blocked by my lingerie chest). who OWNS a lingerie chest?! honestly!


so i think i need to put some stuff away into storage... and get a lab top. that way i can carry my nerdiness around with me to various, more appropriate surroundings for my creative outlet to enjoy.

on the other hand... if anyone has a space (with a computer) that they could let me commandeer for a few hours a couple times a week... letting me put up silly little pictures and knicknacks and things... i'd greatly appreciate it. that would also help keep me on track because i'd actually have to get up, get dressed and go somewhere instead of this half pajama half underwear slug thing i have going for me at present.

ok. that's enough for the moment. tootles.

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