Wednesday, November 12, 2003

strategerous walks to the bathroom and other such nonsense.

i had chosen a title for this post last night... buuuuuut i can't seem to remember what it was. kia, please help a brotha out if you can.

sigh. dear, sweet, innocent, young and pure suspectred. my mariB. my tattoo necklace partner. my little vixen. you are a woman now.

no... she did not just get her period for the first time. she has just turned twenty one years old. and already holding her alcy better than half the guys i know.

celebrated at the infamous dollar buds at the fe in college park. the only retards in the place to drop $6 a pop for a round of irish car bombs. what can i say though? she had a red headed slut without me... i had to get her a bomb.

had a most excellent time with my late college gay boyz and the internet diva that is kia. i smell a group trip to velvet coming up in early december. lets mark our calendars now, kiddies... the weekend of the 6th?

i sent the ramen noodle over to a hot guy with a beer in hand to give to him. for those of you out of the loop... that means i sent my friend rommel over to a guy with a beer. yes. i bought a boy a beer.

so he and his friend joined us for a while at our table. and i guess... i guess my balls are just bigger than the guy's (mick? nick? wtf was his name?!)... and so he just sat next to me like a tool and didn't foster any conversation. i mean it is one thing to not be interested, stop by and say thanx for the beer and move on... but it is another thing to come over, plant yourself and then rub it in for over 10 minutes about how lame you are and how i wasted a dollar on you. at least i got a cig out of it. and his blonde friend mike was a cutie. he chatted us up more than lamer. well, lamer... if you can hear me out there in blog land... NEXT TIME either pretend to be interesting or DON'T COME OVER.

in other news... aw. i miss justin. sniffle. ok. i'm better now. my winterguard meeting went hella well... i'm pretty much set on a group of at least 20 kids. and they all seem really excited about making this happen. motivated, suburban, rich kids rock.

btw... sorry to anyone who has been trying to communicate with me via instant messenger lately. my genius brother downloaded some free software and it has completely OWNED!!! my computer. i can't seem to figure out how to get rid of it all. and when i'm at work... well... i'm at work. so i can't really talk much. email ::hint hint:: is a much better option.