Sunday, May 30, 2004

book club revamp:

ok... so it's taken me a little while to figure out exactly what i want to do with this. after our second meeting (all 2 and 1/2 of us)... i'm figuring that the rest of you all are just full of shit. you all have great hopes and aspirations of being involved, but when it comes down to it, none of you will take the time or the effort.

and that's cool. i understand. i'm not mad or anything... or at least i'm trying not to be. maybe the arrival of summer, the season of free time, will enable some of you to take the plunge.

but either way, i've decided that i am just going to taylor this to my own desires with reading. i'm not into book "reviews." feels too much like homework. so i'm just gonna write up a collection of excerpts from each of the books that i found particularly brilliant and some of my own little reactions/brain farts or research that have stemmed from them. it'll be good for us quote collectors.

::wink wink::

the only setback to this is that it takes a while to type everything up. so here is what i have so far. i may keep adding to it, i may not. i'm not trying to pressure myself.

i still plan on having the monthly discussions because if nothing else, it will be a chance for k@ and i to chat about whatever. i want to thank her and moe for their participation and energy in regards to this whole thing. because it would have been very hard for me to keep trying without you two.

with that, our pick for the next book is The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom. we both read his first book, Tuesdays With Morrie and enjoyed it. so why not... it's pretty short.

Due Date? June 20. Discussion 6pm until we get bored.

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