i am an anime character.
A hazy shape
in the
crystal ball
you’re too unsure
of yourself
to proceed.
This is not for me. I miss u like hellBeing that this was the only contact fuzzi had made with me since the day of his departure, I flipped the fuck out. Was he okay? Was he going to be able to communicate with me at all while he was there? Would he come home if things didn't develop?
The new owners of the pub have brought in a surprisingly competent staff and I am stoked to see how the social circles develop. Can't wait until we switch over to the seafood and sports bar. Why? Because there will be karaoke! Giggle.
Guard is going too well for words. My custom uniforms are FINISHED already, and most of the squad already knows Fight Song. Band Camp ain't gonna know what hit it this year.
I start a temp job at my mom's office tomorrow. Scanning medical records for $10 an hour. Lots of time to listen to music. I have a bunch of newly-burned CDs waiting for me to love them. This will help me pay off the $1500 I racked up on my credit card over the last two months (no regrets).
For love.
The Mission Statement
Originally Written March 19, 2006
Starting over always seems like such a good idea when you first consider it. Deliberations become ideas and theories grow into hopes. You begin yearning for this freedom to actually be what you've wanted to be all along... and suddenly you have the motivation to make it tangible.
You take a few baby steps in a new direction and get caught up in the adrenaline. Your pace quickens to a run and you end up chasing yourself around in circles, drilling further and further into a whole new brand of expectations you never knew you had and desires you never knew existed.
With this new beginning... this creation of a new medium, handle and style- I wonder if to make it successful, will I need to completely remove myself from my old identity? Do I need to find new stomping grounds, new mentors and new peers?
Is it just that I am so afraid of sharing myself- whether it be this new me, old me or some combination of the two- with the masses I feel I have grown with and committed myself to throughout my past?
Afraid of hurting them. Disappointing them. Not living up to their ideals and expectations. I want so badly to be something that inspires and encourages the people in my life... and seem to be unforgiving when my feelings and decisions might fall short of that.
I can't keep going on like this. Chasing an ideal in myself for everyone else. I need to start planting seeds to openly be me- especially when it involves showing my underbelly. Even if it might hurt the people in my life.
So I apologize in advance. In theory I'm already living and loving on Cloud 9. But in practice... here I am on Cloud 8. Almost, but not quite there.
... yet.
shenright: 57.0: quote
scarlet, on her body: i LIKE being a bigger girl. i am happy with my stature and my build. and i like that i don't look like everyone else. the only thing i would really change about my appearance is to shrink my gut a little bit - but i like food and beer (yay, carbohydrates!). so i can deal with that. and if you can't... then you are stupid.
everyone is concerned about their appearance. every girl looks at herself in the mirror every now and again, paranoid about looking unattractive. i do not have some major phobia about my body. but i swear... if this crap keeps up... it won't be long until i do.
a One Word fan said...
I don't know you,but why would anyone in their correct mind yell at you for being fat when your mantra has always been,"I'm selling out if I lose weight."?You are telling them to accept you for who you are,and then wondering why they don't worry about your health.From your photo,you don't look unhealthedly overweight-socially overweight maybe.It depends on what your idea of healthy is.I have heard on NPR that the new healthy weight is five pounds more then the old standard...why don't they just say that they now believe it to be healthier to weigh more.Of course if your weight is affecting your health,then your weight is a health problem-NOT A BEAUTY PROBLEM.I am just a typical male dog,but if you are worried about your sexual attractiveness-I'd do ya.
Battlerocker said...
It could also be that there are those who actually prefer you the way you are. In some circles at least we men still enjoy soft curvy women, and the higher scale reading those qualities demand. From the looks of your photo you have little to worry about. We can always find others to whom we compare unfavorably, if we select the right rules and right opponents. Compare yourself to models in the arena of classic looks and you will find disappointment. But a lady need not be rail thin to be healthy, and she ought not be rail thin to be beautiful.
starz said...
Blah, blah gentlemen. Niether of you have said anything that I haven't heard from someone else or told myself already.
My mantra has NEVER been,"I'm selling out if I lose weight." It's what I told myself. And how can I expect people who care for me to tell me that I need to get in shape? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU DO EVEN IF IT SMASHES DOWN SOME PRECONCIEVED NOTION.
That picture doesn't prove anything. I am about 30 lbs moderately overweight. Even if you include the new 5lb addition... that is still 25 lbs overweight. I have some mad muscle mass going on, but my body fat percentage is around 27%... were it needs to be under 24%.
I know that some men love curvy women, and that I shouldn't compare myself to corporate versions of beauty. Duh. Duh. Duh. This is not about my ignorance on healthy self-image.
This is about the fact that I knew, even in 2003, that I wanted to change things about my body, but used a mind set to make excuses for not doing the work.
I'm sorry if my response is harsh... I know that both of you were just offering your opinions on what little information was given... and I really do appreciate it. Forgive me- I've had a stressful week.
Battlerocker said...
I guess I was confused. If you are angry that your friends and acquaintances haven’t hurt you in the name of advancing a goal they believe both unnecessary and counterproductive, you have odd expectations of your friends. If one actually believed your health to be at risk for being slightly overweight, then I would hope they would speak up. Otherwise, you might consider the possibility that people were dating you for what you were, rather than what they hoped they could make you. I don’t view girls as ‘fix-er-upers,’ and I know of no studies which indicate that slightly heavy twenty-somethings are dying off like flies. In fact the entire notion that obesity and mortality are strongly linked is a mantra more often repeated than actually proved. In any event, if you expect a motivational slave-driver from a relationship, make it clear from the beginning. Otherwise you might wind up dating someone with no wish to hurt you and no great worries about your present health.
shenry said...
Here's the thing... I believe that I live a fairly healthy lifestyle. I eat right. I do cardio. I lift heavy weights (I couldn't resist adding the "heavy" adjective). Because of this, people bitch to me about being overweight, or not eating veggies, or not being active, or whatever. I used to be all, "Well, here's what you do..." The thing is, they were just bitching to be bitching. They didn't want my advice or my help; they just wanted to make excuses or justify their lifestyle choice. My new approach is that I don't give support or advice unless somebody directly asks me. So if you're looking for support then straight up ask me and I'll be by your side in a heartbeat.
starz said...
Fair enough, Battlerocker... I should be clear from the get go that, among the other things I look for in a close relationship, I need someone who is willing to call me out on my shit, challenge me in my comfort zones to grow and change and experience as much as possible, even if the truth might hurt me or jeopardize the relationship.
You can see signs of people's hidden insecurities and unsatisfactions. And as a romantic partner, or fuck, just as a friend, the better you get to know someone, the more you get to know their defenses and their bull shit.
And I do practice what I preach. Any opportunity I have to help or challenge one of my freinds or love interests... I sure as hell take it. Some even engage back- but never on this subject. Never on the one I actually needed them to.
In closing... shenry: hook a sister up.
Battlerocker said...
Well I will agree with you there. Having someone who both motivates and participates in your personal growth is a vital and hard to find relationship quality. I guess my point is only that they need to agree on what your shit is before they can effectively call you out on it. I hope I didn’t come across as overly harsh.
a one word fan said...
Then lose some weight,bitch..Jesus.Blah,blah,blah,blah.Do you want any cheese with that wine?How do you expect me to make love to you if you die for a fat induced heart attack?How can I find you attractive if you loose a foot from diebetes?Get on your fuckin' running shoes and get jogging...damn/Oooor...Honey,I love you,but ultimately it is you who are responsible for you.If you want a boss,or to me a slave-then say so.But if you are going to be my slave...post a naked photo of your titties RIGT NOW!!!
a one word fan said...
P.S.I was being sarcastic....
a one word fan said...
I am sorry for my previous comments.They were said in jest and I was trying to make a (somewhat assinine)point.It came out rude,and mean sprirted.I am sorry.It was wrong of me.
oom oom said...
Seriously, you ARE healthy. A heck of a lot more so than I am. So for both of our sakes, I will see you at the gym. I would love to help you and me at the same time. Besides, I think we could motivate one another and have fun. Yeah, that was me not posting a comment.
Richie said...
the shallowest are all always at the shallow end, they always stand ankle deep in the water and watch the drowning.
starz said...
onewordfan, you have dug yourself a hole. i have nothing to say in response to your comments because i get your point... but am not impressed with your fucking delivery.
battlerocker, it's all good... your perspectives have given me a lot to think about. i can always appreciate MATURE conversation... especially when it's harsh. that's really the whole point of this post, i think.
oom oom, i just can't wait to see who breaks/falls off of a machine first. you know i love you and appreciate any and all comments you leave me here. however... with all this impending cardio- you might wanna cut back on the smoking. :hint hint:
and richie. you have no idea how poignant your statement was. really. but that is a post for another day.
a one word fan said...
So I have dug a hole...now you know why men walk on eggshells when it comes to discussing women's weight...because it is more of a woman thing then a man thing.If a man loves youall you have to do is throw up your shirt and he is happy.Concerning God...I have felt church and orginized religion is a good start.But if you don't put God first what is the point?So,you make some very good points.Now...fitness and God?I believe it is not what goes into your mouth that counts,but what comes out of it.That being said ,your body is your temple.As JFK once said:Ass not what your country can do for you,but ass what you can do for your country.
Sister Spikey Mace of Desirable Mindfulness said...
"And how can I expect people who care for me to tell me that I need to get in shape? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU DO EVEN IF IT SMASHES DOWN SOME PRECONCIEVED NOTION."
An interesting view of what love is, SI. It certainly explains a lot.
shenright 58.0: repeat clothing
Easy as pie this weekend, boss. No need to be seen in public... no need to dirty up any additional clothing.
i'm new to this.
not change. that happens a lot. jobs. seasons. rooms. locations. friends.
but this time everything feels more real. more important.
taking steps towards the life i only used to dream about.
i'm new to this.
Another Tasty Treat From The Gang @ oneword: map
i can see the changes in my location and my destination rolling out in red carpet right in front of me.
all i have to do is continue taking steps.
every day. every minute. every single chance i get.
i look around me and see so many things i have yet to do and know that my journey is really about to begin.
Today's oneword: soak
he stood at the end of my parking space with his hands in his jeans pockets. his hoodie was up but served no purpose as his entire being was soaked through the wet fabric clinging to his skin. His aqua-green steel eyes blazed through the the rain drops and caught mine and my hands froze on the steering wheel and i knew he wasn't going to let me drive away this time.
Today's oneword: retreat
it's quick and crass and you know that in pulling back you will only spread this pain wider and deeper and it's a shame because you all had such good intentions but where good and bad are relative it doesn't really matter what we set out to do...
only what we did.