Monday, June 09, 2003

Ok. This waste-of-space thing has gone on for 14 days longer than it should have. I am bored with it. And after that emotional snort of an post last night… I should take the hint and get a new angle. Let’s save the “I hate my life” type vibes for the angsty teens, shall we?

Right. So how do I take steps to free myself from the current state of blobdom?


1: Start going to bed before 2am, unless detained by some worthy social event or mind numbing writing or musical epiphany.

2: Wake up before noon. No matter what (even if you were up late due to reasons from #1).

3: Use day planner for what it was designed for. MAKE PLANS. ANY freaking plans.

4: Update webpage daily. A real update, you cheating little toot. Need to get that creative writing thing going.

5: Call important people and make plans to move on business-type things. This includes colorguard business, B&W business, internship business and musical business.

A good enough start for now. It’s past my bedtime.

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