Tuesday, June 10, 2003

the starbuckian apocalypse

the shitteth hath hitteth the faneth. eth.

and i couldn't be happier!! ::does silly wiggle type thing::

... let me explain.

without going into incriminating detail... because a few of the staff i work with read this page... today we had a little problem between myself and another member of the management team. the problem was that our customers were not getting legendary service... even though the front bar was broken and we had to use the drive-thru bar which is right next to frap land and makes the whole "making drink process" a little messy and annoying... there was no excuse for it. the store was fully staffed and had THREE key holders on duty.

there is no one to blame per say, for this happening... but the person responsible for this happening is whoever happens to be running the shift (which, in theory, happened to be me). ahem.

long story short, i was disrespected and contradicted and attempted to be made out to like the problem... and a fool (although i probably already looked like one with my cocked-slightly-to-the-right-black-baseball-cap-complete-with-starbux-ensignia on). but that is besides the point. we had a meeting with the all of the managerial parties involved. heh. it was fireworks.

mother-pooping-disneyland-magical-like-woa fireworks.
and NONE of them erupted from me!! =D

the person i had the problem with totally quirked out. they kept interrupting everyone else while they were speaking... and here is where it gets good... i totally did the dana carvey "can i finish" ross pero thing in response. not only did i do this, but i came within inches of being bitch slapped upside the head when i laughed under my breath when they exclaimed passionately that they were sick of doing all the work and that they never left the floor unattended.

hahahahahah i'm so giggling out loud with sinister glee as i type this.

and they even had the nerve to tell me "i know you judge me all of the time. i don't care what you think. this is what you do. you JUDGE people. don't feed me your psycho babble. i don't want to hear it. i'm leaving."

and they walked out of the meeting.

let's just say that i left that meeting grinning from ear to ear. throughout that whole thing... all the tension that had been building up... all of the mean and nasty things i could have said about their mother... instead, i remained professional. and although i may be a sensitive soul, i have never been so worked up over something that had NOTHING to do with a personal aspect of my life. some people can dish it out like no other... hot air and fireworks and screaming and drama... but they don't even realize that all of the things they are accusing others of... is precisely what they are doing.

later on before they left... i almost laughed in their face when they mentioned that they hadn't gotten their second ten yet. that would have been mean. i'm glad i choked it down. i'm so glad that i don't have to pretend anymore. that i don't have to put on the social graces. i can just smile in my little pool of cynical glee. i can hold this documented incident close to my heart with my review coming up. i can sample the new african coffees to our district manager and casually mention the lack of third place we have created for our employees. i can continue to run my shifts to the best of my ability... and never have to worry about what they will think of my performance or worry that their opinions will impact my job.

i know now that they will never learn. never grow or mature to a place where they can operate in such a workplace in an honorable and honest manner.

and the only thing i feel bad about through all of this... is that i really do hope they never learn. they don't deserve to.

blame us cause we are who we are.
hate us cause you'll never get that far.
and who'd suppose that you would go?
i've already learned enough to know.

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