Friday, October 03, 2003

so i hear that you're sick!

sick? sick of what? the current state of affairs?

ah. i see.

well, miss. why don't you change something about it then? you work for your mother and would feel bad screwing her over? you need to keep the job anyway because you are poor but really want to move out of your house? you don't want to rock the boat because you are just volunteering and have no real authority? you want to be in a relationship with him but the distance and timing just makes it impractical?

ah. i see.

maybe you feel like without some dilema or problem to fix that you are not using your time wisely? like you need to be in a constant whirlwind of drama? without that outside issue to worry about you can't hide from all of the doubt and questions you have going on inside? maybe in order to appreciate your intuition and your analytic nature you also need to experience a calm and quiet within your heart every once in a while? maybe you are afraid of admitting that you don't always have the answers?



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