Sunday, September 01, 2002

The Anti-Party.

I hit a new low tonight. I mean, don't get me wrong here... I had a very long day today after one very long ::hehe:: night. It's perfectly acceptable that I am tired, cranky, upset at my Terpies, and not in the mood to party with a bunch of people I don't know. The embarrassing part of this little scenario, though, is that the party is in my own house. Yep. I am now that roommate that just sits in their room and avoids the pleas of their roomies to come join the party. I wish I could just have my shit together so I mad a better first impression on the guys... but I have a feeling that they might think of me as a quiet, shy and even withdrawn individual. While there is nothing wrong with being this way... those of you who know me I am sure giggle out loud when you think of me being "shy and quiet."

sigh. i avoided answering all my IMs tonight too. sorry to those of you who may have taken that personally.

but there ain't nothing i can do. everybody has their moments.

nite nite, love.

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