Sunday, December 11, 2011

Psychology 101

It’s true what they say about psychologists.  Almost all of us went into the field because we wanted to fix something.
Maybe the codependent friends we somehow ended up with. Or that bad relationship we seem to keep repeating. The broken family we grew up in. That shitty school we went to. Or even society’s view of… anything everything.
All I know is that we weren’t pleased with whatever it was, and that we wanted to change it.  That somehow, having letters after our name would make us more qualified to change it.
We never seem to be able to admit that what we really need to change is ourselves.  We’d much rather dedicate our time, energy, and money learning how to help change others others change.
I am now in my 7th year of studying some sort of psychology, and only now do I see that I have been hungry for solutions to my own problems – not everyone else’s.
Maybe I thought that by facilitating enough positive change/growth in others, I would experience it myself as well… like through osmosis.  Maybe I thought that training to become a psychologist would save me the trouble of having to get one.  Maybe I thought that the people in my life would be more willing to work with me if they thought I was some sort of an expert.
… maybe I thought I would be more willing to work with myself if I thought I was some sort of an expert.

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